THE text of the present edition is copied from that of the fifth, the last published before Adam Smith's death.
The fifth edition has been carefully collated with the first, and wherever the two were found to disagree the history of the alteration has been traced through the intermediate editions.
With some half-dozen utterly insignificant exceptions such as a change of "these" to "those, "towards" to "toward." and several haphazard substitutions of *conveniences" for "conveniencies," the results of this collation are all recorded in the footnotes, unless the difference between the editions is quite obviously and undoubtedly the consequence of mere misprints, such as "is" for “it," "that" for "than." "becase" for "because."
いくつかの半ダースのまったく些細な例外、例えば "these" を "those" に変更すること、"towards" を "toward" に変更すること、そして "conveniencies" のいくつかのでたらめな置き換えに conveniences を使うことを除いて、この整理の結果はすべて脚注に記録されています。ただし、版の違いが明らかに印刷ミスの結果である場合、例えば "is" の代わりに "it"、"that" の代わりに "than"、"becase" の代わりに "because" など、脚注には記録されません。
Even undoubted misprints are recorded if, as often happens, they make a plausible misreading which has been copied in modern texts, or if they present any other feature of interest.
As it does not seem desirable to dress up an eighteenth century classic entirely in twentieth century costume, I have retained the spelling of the fifth edition and steadily refused to attempt to make it consistent with itself.
Since it is not desirable to completely modernize an eighteenth-century classic, I have kept the spelling of the fifth edition intact and consistently refused to make it internally consistent.
The danger which would be incurred by doing so may be shown by the example of "Cromwel."
Few modern readers would hesitate to condemn this as a misprint, but it is, as a matter of fact, the spelling affected by Hume in his History, and was doubtless adopted from him by Adam Smith, though in the second of the two places where the name is mentioned inadvertence or the obstinacy of the printers allowed the usual "Cromwell" to appear till the fourth edition was reached.
<aside> 💡 Humeの『History』は彼の最も有名な著書の一つであり、政治や歴史に関する重要な論文です。この著書は、イギリスの歴史を中心に、政治や社会の変化について詳細に分析しています。Humeは、自身の研究と分析に基づいて、当時の政治的な出来事や人物について詳細に説明しています。『History』は、その時代の歴史を理解するための貴重な資料として広く評価されています。
I have been equally rigid in following the original in the matter of the use of capitals and italics, except that in deference to modern fashion I have allowed the initial words of paragraphs to appear in small letters instead of capitals, the chapter headings to be printed in capitals instead of italics, and the abbreviation "Chap." to be replaced by "Chapter" in full.
I have also allowed each chapter to begin on a fresh page, as the old practice of beginning a new chapter below the end of the preceding one is inconvenient to a student who desires to use the book for reference.
In writing a marginal summary for the text I have felt like an architect commissioned to place a new building alongside some ancient masterpiece: I have endeavoured to avoid on the one hand an impertinent adoption of Smith's words and style, and on the other an obtrusively modern phraseology which might contrast unpleasantly with the text.