"EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION"を日本語に翻訳すると、「編集者の紹介」や「編集者による導入」などが適切な表現です。文脈によっては微調整が必要かもしれませんが、一般的な意味での翻訳としてこれらの表現が使えます。

THE first edition of the Wealth of Nations was published on the 9th of March, 1776, in two volumes quarto, of which the first, containing Books I., II. and III., has 510 pages of text, and the second containing Books IV. and V., has 587.


"Quarto" is a term commonly used in publishing to refer to a specific size of a book or paper. It typically refers to a book or paper that has been folded into four equal sections.


The title-page describes the author as "Adam Smith, LL.D. and F.R.S. Formerly Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Glasgow."

タイトルページには、著者が「アダム・スミス、LL.D. および F.R.S. グラスゴー大学の元道徳哲学教授」と記されています。

There is no preface or index.


The whole of the Contents are printed at the beginning of the first volume.


The price was £1 1 6s.

"£1 1 6s" は、古いイギリスの通貨表記方法で、ポンド、シリング、ペンスの順で金額を示しています。この表記法では、「£」はポンド、数字はシリング、そして "s" はペンスを表します。


したがって、合計金額は£1 1s 6d(1ポンド1シリング6ペンス)となります。

1 John Rae, Life of Adam Smith, 1895, D. 284. 2 Ibid., P. 285. 3 Ibid., p. 324 4 Below, pp. 465, 800. 5 See p. 544, as well as the passages referred to in the previous note.

6 Po. 341, 552, 581.

5 p. 544を参照してください。また、前の注釈で言及された箇所も参照してください。

The second edition appeared early in 1778, priced at £2 2s., but differing little in appearance from its predecessor.


Its pages very nearly correspond, and the only very obvious difference is that the Contents are now divided between the two volumes.


There are, however, a vast number of small differences between the first and second editions.


One of the least of these, the alteration of "late" to "present," draws our attention to the curious fact that writing at some time before the spring of 1776 Adam Smith thought it safe to refer to the American troubles as "the late disturbances."


We cannot tell whether he thought the disturbances were actually over, or only that he might safely assume they would be over before the book was published.
